Why mix Bitcoins?

Did you know that Bitcoin transactions aren’t anonymous and can be tracked by anyone? 

Hiding your identity in the internet can be tricky, and you’re leaving behind several digital footprints without realizing that you do it. To prevent doing this, you need to use a bitcoin mixer, also called a bitcoin cleaner. Mixcois.org is here to help you keep your bitcoin transactions clean and anonym. When you mix bitcoin with our service, we exchange the bitcoins you send us with coins from our reserve pool that can’t be traced to your identity or person or any of your previous transactions. To be more safe we also offer options to you to delay your payout of bitcoins and send them to multiple addresses if you want. We keep our fees as low as possible and reserve pools as large as possible to make sure we can always give you the best and most anonymous possible Bitcoin mixer service in the whole internet. Don’t leave your fingerprints, start mixing.

You can learn more about Bitcoin mixers on Wikipedia (opens Wikipedia)